Monday, August 20, 2012

Environmental Design Research Association International Conference - Seattle

Texas Tech was well represented at EDRA 43!

Angela Bourne, Fatma Jobran, Dr. Pati,
Dr. Gaines, and Marwa Abdelmonem

Dr. Amor, Dr. Gaines, Fatma, Michelle, Angela, and Marwa

Michelle Pinson

Marwa rode her first merry-go-round!
Angela was a merry-go-round expert!

We visited the first Starbucks


  1. Hi
    I'm a postgrad Architecture student in the UK, I was reading and came across a reference to your presentation 'Inside high rise living: Effects on mental health' and haven't been able to turn up anything else regarding it.
    This is a topic closely relating to my chosen dissertation topic and I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of anywhere I could read more?

    I understand that this website may not be somewhere you visit any more so please don't worry if you discover this question years in the future!

    Kind regards

    1. Realised it might be better to leave some contact info.. If you do want to get in touch then please feel free to contact me at
      Thanks again
